Create an 'about-me.html' page

Lab Deliverables

Below are instructions

Viewing the file in your browser

Submit to GitHub

If you have the time try submitting this to GitHub.

  1. Login to your GitHub account.
  2. Click your profile icon at the upper right and select Your Repositories.
    • Select the repo where you'll upload your file.
    • If your account doesn't yet have any repos, select Create a new repository.
  3. Select the repo's Settings tab and scroll down to the GitHub Pages heading, then confirm that your master branch is selected as the site Data Source. If not, follow instructions here to make that selection now.
  4. Copy the GitHub Pages address above the data source selector to a browser window.
  5. Close Settings, then select the create new page link or call-to-action (CTA, also known as a "button").
  6. Key the following path into the 'Name Your File' input box: /labs/week-02/ then enter the filename as and enter text '' (or other placeholder text) into the editor window.
  7. Scroll down and select the Commit changes CTA.
    You should be in the week-02 folder that you created.
  8. Select the Upload Files CTA, and either drag-and-drop from Finder or Windows Explorer or click the 'select file' link and navigate on your PC to the folder where you saved your about-me.html file, then select it and Submit.
  9. Add this path and filename in your browser window address bar, then click Enter: labs/week-02/your-su-id_about-me.html
    Your URL should be formed like this: https://[your-GitHub-user-id][your-repo-id]/labs/week-02/your-su-id_about-me.html
  10. Admire your first published web page!