Question Bank

The mid-term exam questions will be picked from this question bank. As part of each weekly assignment for weeks 1–5 students will be required to submit 1-2 questions that they think should be on the mid-term from that week's topic. Include questions that initially stumped you but you have since answered for yourself.

I will compile and update the list every week.

Spring 2020

Week 1 - Anatomy of the Web

  • Explain the difference between the world wide web and the internet.
  • What are the differences between a URL and the HTTP protocol? What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
  • How can you tell if the data in a web request is encrypted?
  • What is the different between HTTP and HTTPS?
  • Can applications other than browsers issue HTTP requests?
  • what is the different between a top-level-domain and a subdomain?
  • What is the significance of W3C and what purpose does it serve?
  • What does HTTP stand for and what does it do? What is the difference between a URL and a Protocol?
  • Define the terms internet, the web, and HTTP
  • What do the 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx status codes mean for the responsiveness of your requests?
  • Explain the purpose of the browser
  • List the cornerstone technologies of the WWW
  • What is the difference between back-end programming and front-end programming?

Week 2 - HTML

  • What will happen if we miss <!DOCTYPE html> declaration?
  • What is a tag and why is it important?
  • What is the basic syntax of an HTML file?
  • What is the syntax to close out an element in HTML?
  • What other benefits are there to GitHub besides source code management?
  • What does HTML stand for?
  • How can you add an unordered list without bullets?
  • What is the benefit of using the abbr tag?
  • When it is appropriate to use blank lines and indentation in an HTML file?
  • What is the only tag we learned so far that you don’t need to both open and close?
  • Is the body tag inside or outside of the head?
  • What’s the difference between <ol> and <ul>?
  • What should an HTML file include to indicate the code is compliant with the HTML5 specification?
  • What five elements should be included once and only once in any HTML document?
  • what does the <head> tag do?
  • What does the <strong> tag do the text in wraps?
  • Why is the the title tag so important?
  • How many <body> elements should an HTML document contain?
  • When is it acceptable to omit a closing tag?
  • What does the acronym CSS describe?

Week 3

  • Is ‘style’ a CSS or HMTL function?
  • What’s the proper syntax to close img elements?
  • What is semantic HTML and why is it important?
  • How can the bullet style be changed for lists?
  • What is the difference between a block element and an inline element?
  • What is the correct way to anchor an html link?
  • Why is it important to add 'alt' in an img tag?
  • When would you use bold versus strong in HTML?
  • What is the difference between an element and a tag?
  • What are two types of link paths? Explain with examples.
  • What’s the purpose of putting footer?
  • Why is it important to have the content in the title tag and the h1 tag similar to each other?
  • What is the HTML anchor tag used for?
  • What does <tr> stand for? Explain with an example.
  • What is the purpose of the href attribute?
  • What is a description list?
  • How do you add an image in a webpage?
  • State few semantic elements in HTML.

Week 4

  • Why are Cascading Style Sheets cascading?
  • How do you comment on a CSS document?
  • What is the difference between a block element and an inline element?
  • What is the primary reason for the creation of CSS code?
  • What the utilization of padding on the webpage?
  • What is the Document Object Model?
  • What is an example of an inline element?
  • How can you apply a large font-size to an element using CSS?
  • what is the difference between internal and external styling?
  • what is the advantage of having external stylesheets applied to your work?
  • What’s the difference between em and px?
  • How do you attach a CSS stylesheet to an HTML document?
  • What is created by the browser and has a tree-like structure?
  • what are the three ways to specify size in CSS?
  • Why is choice of color important on a webpage?
  • How many pixels is 1em?

Week 5

  • Why is it important to comply with accessibility guidelines? What are those audiences?
  • What’s the difference between Classes and IDs?
  • How is semantic HTML used?
  • What is the role of QA in developing a website?
  • Why is it necessary to have a wireframe?
  • What the difference between <section> and <div>?
  • What are tools you can use to create a wireframe?
  • What’s the name of the pattern that shows where people spend the most time looking on your webpage?
  • What are CSS selectors?
  • What are the three types of CSS selectors and what are they used for?
  • What happens during the implementation phase?
  • What occurs during the analysis phase of the project lifecycle?
  • What are the different phases of the web development lifecycle?
  • How to apply CSS to set font-size as 12pxto class attribute “focus” on paragraph?
  • Which professions usually handle the design step in the project lifecycle?